Aug 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, boys!

June is about a good of a sleeper as I am, which means that she just doesn't really care for sleep at night, except when she does. Right now, for instance, she doesn't at all so we're up and at em' at 2 AM on our tummy time mat. 

The other night, however, she was out like a light. She fell asleep for a 'nap' around 8:30, and didn't wake up until 9 the next morning. You would think I would be thrilled, but my sleep schedule is so off now that I spent the entire night desperate to not sleep, because I was absolutely convinced that she was just about to wake up. In the words of Winnie the Pooh, "Oh bother..."

Daddy and June time
Kangaroo daddy at the mall
It's been a very busy few weeks here, as June keeps growing like a Wilson and I get ready for school and work to start back. The mini vacation into stay-at-home momdom was nice while it lasted! For those who haven't heard, Cliff and I have been talking it over and have decided that the best plan for us right now is for me to put my bachelors degree on a temporary hold while I pursue a nursing degree so that after I graduate I can actually get a job. Not that I don't love the idea of having a degree and still waiting tables, but I'd prefer that my investment in school actually pay off eventually. So, night program, here I come! Bachelors degree, I'll see   you in a couple of years when I can afford your impracticality.

June, her papa, and great grandmother

In other news... tomorrow will be my little boys 2 year old birthday, and yes, there will be cake. These sweet boys almost top my list. :)

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